- Morphologic evaluation of lymphoid tissue and bone marrow
- Immunohistochemical evaluation of lymphoid tissue and bone marrow
- Flow cytometric evaluation of bone marrow aspirates, peripheral blood, fluids and lymphoid tissues
- Evaluation of CD4/CD8 lymphocytes
- Immunoglobulin and T cell receptor gene rearrangement analysis by Southern Blotting and PCR
- Evaluation of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
- Complete work-up of individual cases in the same facility
- Personal telephone consultation and complete report by FAX
- Utilization of the Federal Express service and messenger service at no cost to the physician or the patient
Drs. Orazi, Ely, Knowles, Geyer, Tam, Wang and Prakash
(Left to Right)
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For further information please contact:

Hematopathology Laboratory
525 East 68 Street Room Starr 715
New York, New York 10021
Telephone (212) 746-2442 or 1-800-551-0670 X7462442
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
NYHL Outreach Program
Client Services
Telephone (212) 746-0670