Weill Medical College of Cornell University spacer
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Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Translational Research-General Information

The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is pleased to provide laboratory services to assist you with your translational research needs. We offer a wide array of research services including histology, immunohistochemistry, cytogenetics and molecular testing. We have altered the process of requesting services.

To request technical and/or professional services, please register using the Translational Research Website. Once an account has been created, we will provide a user name and password. Please use this information to log in and submit your requests. All required information must be completed including account number for billing (internal requests). Prior IRB approval must be received in order to process any requests involving tissue.

Once the Department's Translational Research Committee approves your request, we will assign a project number to your project. When contacting the respective laboratory with your project, please refer to the assigned project number. Please direct any questions to Robert Kim at [email protected] or (212) 746 - 6416.

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