Weill Medical College of Cornell University spacer
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Manager: Steven Merlin

The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Flow Cytometry Core assists researchers in flow cytometry based cell analysis studies and cell sorting. Cell samples can be quickly analyzed based on phenotypic markers and functional assays. Characterization of distinct cell populations based on these techniques is widely employed in biomedical research. Flow cytometry is especially useful for physically separating distinct sub-populations defined by specific parameters using a fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS). Services include:

  • Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)
  • Sterile sorting
  • Tube and microscope slide-based sorting
  • Single Cell Deposition into 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 384 well microtiter plates for cloning

The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine operates a Becton Dickinson FACSAriaII-SORP cell sorter consisting of 5 lasers capable of simultaneous 14 color detection for apoptosis, DNA/Cell Cycle analysis, detection of novel living color fluorescent proteins (DsRed, mCherry, tdTomato, mOrange, mPlum, etc.), immunophenotyping and calcium flux experiments. The custom configured FACSAria II SORP high-speed cell sorter is capable of rapid sorting of cells, bacteria, yeast, and other small particles based on multiple parameter characteristics into highly pure populations. Click here for laser excitation wavelengths and optical emission filters and detectors.

The flow cytometric separation of cells from unfixed animal and human tissue is possible on the BD FACSAria cell sorter with a ULPA aerosol management system. However we are unable to sort BSL3 specimen. Before the initial sort is performed, each user is required to provide biosafety information including cell type, origin of sample and special requirements. The form also allows us to prepare for your sort and advise on the time required for its completion.

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Flow Cytometry Core
Weill Cornell medical College
1300 York Ave, A-610C
New York, NY 10065
Tel. 212-746-3387

To set up an account, please visit https://wcmc.corefacilities.org/service_center/show_external/2952/Cell_Sorting_WCMC

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